This theatrical operatic opus follows the journey of Nova Scotian Contralto, Portia White, “the daughter of destiny”, most commonly noted as the first Black Canadian concert singer to achieve international fame.
Through a diverse collage of song, spoken word, design, and video, this opera explores the displacement and distortion of being “first” and then relegated to obscurity.
The opera depicts Portia’s journey through death, fractured into three forms within herself: Portia Body, Portia Spirit and Portia Soul. As Portia relives moments in her life, she navigates the secrets of her past, both cryptic and coded.
The opera explores the theme of assimilation and questions the trope of what it means to be “the first” black trailblazer in a society that centralizes whiteness as the pinnacle of success. Despite racial and gender barriers, Portia White’s life was about overcoming obstacles. Ultimately, the opera celebrates her triumphs
Portia May White, contralto, teacher was the first Black Canadian concert singer to win international acclaim. She was considered one of the best classical singers of the 20th century. Her voice was described by one critic as “a gift from heaven.” She was often compared to the celebrated African American contralto Marian Anderson.